Imagine having a personal library of ideas that you're deeply connected to, just waiting to be explored

As you build your library, you'll find yourself eager and excited to create, with each idea sparking another and another...

The Creative Sparks bundle is packed with ideas to ignite your inspiration. It also guides you in discovering what really excites YOU. This deep connection is personal, and these guides will help you recognize and embrace it.

Always feel inspired to create

What would you do if you had a book full of your own ideas that had you so inspired, you'd drop everything to start that project right away?

Get yourself out of a funk: feel inspired even on the toughest days.

Enhance your creative expression: explore your unique
artistic voice.

Be a prolific artist: constantly be creating because you WANT to and you're excited to be working.

Have work ready to show at short notice: have a portfolio of work ready to go.

Finish work that's been sitting around for ages: give new life to old work.

About me

Cyndy Broekers is a mixed media artist and mentor who loves all things retro and nostalgic. 🛼

Merging her extensive background in the corporate and coaching realms with her artistic journey, Cyndy educates and inspires artists to rediscover their spark. In her signature program, The Creative Shift membership, Cyndy guides artists through self-discovery while providing practical instruction to maintain a regular creative practice without overwhelm. 

Members take decisive action while strengthening the belief in their creative abilities. 

While it's common to receive advice to "follow your passion," identifying that passion can be challenging as we get caught up in life and the different roles we play. This bundle of resources is a quick-start guide to reconnecting with what fires you up.


The details

Here's what you can expect with your early access: 

  • Receive immediate access to 'More, please', a download of prompts to kickstart your intention setting.
  • Download the Intentional Moments calendar with 4 weeks of activities to inspire and prioritise YOU.
  • Watch '3 Truth Bombs' - A mini training video I filmed in Nashville to help you get out of your own way.
  • You'll receive regular updates via email
    as we get closer.

Official release date: Tuesday 28 May, 2024

You'll then have access to :

  • 100 sources of inspiration for artists
  • 22 ways to develop habits and stay productive
  • 11 tips for fun experimentation to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone
  • Worksheets to use at your own pace
  • Scheduling templates to help you stay on track